
الهدف من تعلم البرمجة؟و مصادر تعلمها؟

لماذا علينا ان نتعلم البرمجة؟ تعتبر البرمجة في وقتنا الحاضر شيئا على المرأ تعلمه وحتى احترافه ، فالبرمجة أصبحت مشابهة للغة التي نتحدثها وفي التالي أسباب ستدفعك لتعلم لغة من لغات البرمجة: 1)معظم حياتنا اصبحت معتمدة على البرمجة: نشهد البوم ثورة في تطبيقات الهواتف الذكية ، الكمبيوتر و المواقع الإلكترونية لذالك فيمكنك ان تسثمر جهدك في تعلم البرمجة و من ثم تحوله الى مشاريع تدر عليك أموالا طائلة. 2)تعلمنا كيف نحل المشاكل: فمثلا بعد كتابتك لبرنامج على سبيل المثال و بعدها تحول تشغيل الكود ولا يشتغل مما يضطرك للعودة ومراجعة الكود الى ان اجد المشكل وتحله . 3)البرمجة علم المستقبل: عالم سريع التطور، والتكنولوجيا كذلك، فمثلاً علم الربوتات والذكاء الإصطناعي أصبحا من أهم العلوم في العالم وهما بلا شك يعتمدان بشكل أساسي على البرمجة، وفي المستقبل ستقل وظائف الإنسان كما يقول العلماء وستقتحم الآلآت حياتنا تماماً وتتواجد في جميع أجزائها، فتعلمك للبرمجة تزيد من فرصك في التآقلم مع المستقبل وتفتح لك آفاقاً جديدة أنت بحاجة لها بكل تأكيد. كيف نتعلم البرمجة؟  هناك الكثير والكثير

Iphone 8 review

                 Iphone 8 review When we talk about the difference between Samsung and Apple, and compared these two just because I see them as giants of the smart phone industry in the world today, we find that the big difference between them is productivity, one of the disadvantages of Samsung, or at least see them personally flawed defects Samsung is launching four new phones every year. Not only that, but the phones launched this year may become old and do not get updates and nothing by the next two years. It became materially no less and no more, whose purpose was to sell nothing but the thing that made me (and became) Always change from the personal principle) I change Samsung to Huawei, which I find strong in the smartphone world, and I did not change to Apple phones because I love Android very much. But Apple has a high level of phones, all of its phones today get updates and care about them as well as the new devices, which is really wonderful, and the phone expected

What is the BIOS? What is his job? Here's all you need to know about BIOS

What is the BIOS? What is his job? Here's all you need to know about BIOS What is the BIOS? The BIOS is a shortcut to the Basic Input Output System. I do not really like the complicated explanations, and I do not like to introduce you to the BIOS as stated in Wikipedia or Google or I do not know, we are here to simplify the concepts, so let me tell you what BIOS is in a way Easy to use, my friend has a computer, this computer is installed by assembling a set of hardware: random memory RAM, hard drive, graphics card, processor and so on, all installed on a large chip called the mother card, good yet, We do not have any system, tool or hardware that checks these tools on the motherboard It leads us to not work the computer, Rabah, where is the problem? Is it ram? We need to install it and see it, then run the computer and the same problem. Simply, what we need in this case is a system called firmware, a system that the user can not access, program or modify. He does not care if

Top 10 Adobe programs cc 2017

Top 10 Adobe programs cc 2017 - Adobe Photoshop: The months between the products of Adobe, and even some even use it and know and know its capabilities, but no idea that the developer is Adobe, Photoshop or Adobe Photoshop is a powerful program to create and modify the graphic images in the first place, it enables you to manufacture New images inspired by the imagination using the tools of the program (and some external additions), or you can modify and improve the image, whatever the image quality, and is the most used in the editing and editing and creation of images. - Adobe Illustrator: The older than Alfotoshob in terms of production and release, and perhaps did not know the peak of prosperity only in the last five years (or specifically when the launch of the Creative Cloud package), and perhaps Alfotoshob dominated the Alistrator, and some thought that what Alistrator can do Alfotoshob Also, there is a big difference between the two programs. Alastrator is a vector graphi

WikiLeaks reveals the tool used by the CIA to steal SMS on Android

WikiLeaks reveals the tool used by the CIA   to steal SMS on Android WikiLeaks recently revealed details of another CIA hacking device as part of the Volt 7 leaks, saying that in addition to Windows and Linux systems, the agency was also targeting Android smartphones. The new tool is called HighRise, which is basically malicious software for the Android system that can intercept text messages and send them to the CIA server, allowing the agency clients to read any conversation on the victim's machine with ease. Specifically, the CIA used an application called TideCheck to deploy the tool. It should be noted that the agency needs to be already in control of the device to do so, which means that there are other tools more powerful to penetrate the devices Android installed on the system in advance. Once the tool is installed, the client must manually launch it via the password on the first boot. According to the WikiLeaks manual, the password is "

How to began programming

How to began programming For a goal above all! For beginners in the field of programming: you have to learn that programming goal, you do not program to know what the programming, it is normal to know before you enter the programming from the ground! So, before you go into programming, you have to set your goals, you're about to learn programming, but what will happen next? What will I do with what I gained? These answers you first have to answer before putting you in the programming area, you may be a little confused and tell you that you can make your own project on the web, or work as freelancer programmer in Freelancing sites and others, but first and finally you will be determined. For the experienced in the field of programming: Of course, as you practice programming in advance you will not need the same goal of the beginner, you are first and finally not about learning programming, but you are about to learn one of the programming languages, you have to put another

Here's a list of top companies and alternative ad placements for google adsense

Here's a list of top companies and   alternative ad placements for google   adsense Let us be a little realistic: Google Adsense is the most popular and most widely used advertising service in the world. It has a lot of powerful and undisputed features. It is the best in terms of payment, advertising, and the best. In terms of routing and filtering your ads, and it features unique payment methods that make it easy to get your money wherever you are, not to mention the idea that it is honest and powerful, but the only flaw in the Google Adsense service, it does not accept both the bear and bear, and Check it out well it is really good, so do not see anyone who misuses these services Google Adsense gives you good statistics, keeps track of your account, and can lock it at any time you violate its rules, something that most people may not like. They find it best to change the company and search for